Online courses in sports psychology in padel

Train your mind to boost your performance

The influence of mental skills on sporting performance is a reality widely accepted by both the scientific and sporting communities. Discover our courses and start making progress.

Free lesson

Try the demonstration lesson that we offer free of charge, with no commitment required.



Dominate your mind

Dominate your mind

Every athlete has the need to continuously fight with himself, a fight that requires hard training and help to optimise personal performance through mental training. Self-knowledge seems simple at first glance, but it is not. It consists of learning about oneself, how we react to certain situations and why, when I feel more confident and when I feel less confident, what makes me lose my concentration and what strategies I can implement to solve it.

What will you learn in this course?

  1. The influence of your mind in your sport.
  2. Keys to mental toughness and activation level.
  3. Your beliefs boost your performance.
  4. Boost your motivation by planning goals.
  5. Self-dialogue and sports priming.
  6. Mental imagery and pre-competitive routines.
  7. Decision-making.
  8. Attention and concentration in sports practice.


8 lessons


10 min




Pay for your training in convenient installments

*Payment method valid only in some countries

*Offer valid for online courses, excludes certificate courses, master’s degree and planning. Discount cannot be combined with other offers. The discount will be applied to the cart.

Increase your game level, get your Online Pack now

Online courses for padel players and coaches in a micro-learning format and divided into four categories.

*Offer valid for online courses, excludes certificate courses, master’s degree and planning. Discount cannot be combined with other offers. The discount will be applied to the cart.

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Desde las 10:00 GMT+1

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