Learn the best tools and methods for working with children

If you are a padel instructor, you will know the main challenges of working with children. In this specialized certification, you will learn exercises, progressions, and resources to improve your classes.
+ 0 K

students enrolled in this certification

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countries with Padelmba trainings

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Padelmba calls for proposals around the world

Who is this program for?


Padel and tennis instructors
Who want to refresh and expand their knowledge with a certification that specializes in training children in this sport.
Padel players
Who want to change their business model and take the opportunity to make a living by focusing professionally on children.
Padel clubs
Who need complementary training for their instructors to improve their training and coaching services.


From 499€ ¹online call for applications

From 549€ ²online + in-person training

Online training:

+60 audiovisual lessons 15” approx. per lesson.

In-person training:

Practical 3-day face-to-face sessions.

Job center:

You will be able to join our international portfolio.

¹ The online training will only give you the theoretical knowledge necessary to be certified by Padelmba but it does not accredit you with our training. To obtain the instructor or instructor certificate you need to complete the complete training and pass the practical exams of the classroom training.

Start your online training without a face-to-face training date

Online training

“Split the payment for your training by selecting Klarna at checkout. Klarna is not available in all countries, request more information from Klarna support.”

How does it work?


Online block
Practical block
Additional block


Complete the Padelmba Academy registration and purchase process for the certification you wish to take.1 It is advisable to complete the theoretical training before attending a classroom session.

In-person call

If you only purchased the online block, you will have to sign up for an in-person session to complete your certification. 2If you have purchased it together with the online training, you will have to take the practical tests and the exams3.

Continuous training

You will be able to continue your training with additional content after completing the previous blocks. This training is not compulsory or assessable, so it is not necessary to complete it in order to obtain your certification.

What content is included in the course?

Online Training

8 modules and final exam
Fundamentals of children’s padel
  1. Objectives of children’s padel.
  2. Values of padel.
  3. The relevance of parents in their children’s development.
  4. Getting to know your students better.
  5. Profile of your students.
  6. The context on the court.
  7. Motor development.
  8. The four dimensions of children.
  9. How to teach the rules to younger children.
  10. Common limitations when working with children.
  1. The importance of communication in teaching.
  2. Communicative skills – Part 1.
  3. Communicative skills – Part 2.
  4. Questions as a learning tool.
  5. Teaching commands.
  6. Teaching instructions.
  7. Feedback.
Planning in children’s padel
  1. Technical objectives.
  2. Tactical objectives.
  3. Psychophysical and formative objectives.
  4. Group dynamics.
  5. Warm-up.
  6. Preparation of materials for initial stages.
  7. Familiarization with the paddle.
  8. Familiarization with the balls.
  9. Time-outs.
  10. Heterogeneous classes.
Technical Fundamentals
  1. Types of grip.
  2. Common errors in grips.
  3. Types of footwork.
  4. Common errors in footwork.
  1. Game-based methodology.
  2. Composition of game-based exercises.
  3. Analytical methodology.
  4. Composition of analytical exercises.
  5. Composition of guided discovery exercises.
  6. Composition of control exercises.
  1. Forehand groundstroke.
  2. Exercises for teaching the forehand groundstroke.
  3. Backhand groundstroke.
  4. Exercises for teaching the backhand groundstroke.
  5. Serve.
  6. Exercises for the serve.
  7. Forehand against back wall.
  8. Backhand against back wall.
  9. Forehand against side wall.
  10. Backhand against side wall.
Net Shots
  1. Forehand volley.
  2. Exercises for the forehand volley.
  3. Backhand volley.
  4. Exercises for the backhand volley.
Overhead Shots
  1. La bandeja (lob).
  2. Ejercicios para la bandeja.
  3. El remate (smash).
  4. Ejercicios para enseñar el remate.

In-Person Training

Practical sessions and final theoretical exam
The theoretical knowledge obtained in the online training and their respective practical exams will be put into practice, after which, when you receive the grades, you will be able to take the last theoretical exam from your profile in the academy and obtain your certification.

Additional training

2 modules not evaluable
  • Proposals for games and exercises
  1. Stage 3: ages 4 to 6; perceptual-motor games.
  2. Stage 2: ages 7 to 9; perceptual-motor games.
  3. Stage 1: ages 10 to 12; perceptual-motor games.
  4. Stage 3: ages 4 to 6; conditional games.
  5. Stage 2: ages 7 to 9; conditional games.
  6. Stage 1: ages 10 to 12; conditional games.
  7. Stage 3: ages 4 to 6; cognitive games (technical-tactical).
  8. Stage 2: ages 7 to 9; cognitive games (technical-tactical).
  9. Stage 1: ages 10 to 12; cognitive games (technical-tactical).
  • Physical Preparation and Children’s Padel
  1. Physical capacities applied to padel.
  2. Physical preparation exercises.
  3. Children’s padel.
  4. Exercises for children’s padel.

What will you get by taking Certified Padel Coach KIDS?

Discover the benefits of studying our certified padel instructor course.

  • Mastery in efficiently structuring classes tailored to children.
  • Selection of logical and effective didactic progressions based on ages and levels.
  • Implementation of exercise dynamics that maximize learning and fun for young students.
  • Precise and effective application of various teaching methodologies, adapted to different contexts.
  • Development of advanced skills to provide constructive and motivating feedback to children.
  • Training in identifying and correcting common errors, improving the technique of young players.
  • Ability to design and execute highly effective and personalized padel classes for children.
  • Skill to quickly and accurately identify and correct technical errors in children.
  • Creation and management of a comprehensive annual class plan, optimizing the learning progress and enjoyment of younger students.
  • Enhancement of professional reputation and capability to expand teaching and training services to a wider range of students through specialized instruction.

Get your full course and get your certificate

Choose among the open calls that we already have and enroll in the Certified Padel Coach KIDS online + face-to-face.


Certified Padel Coach Kids

Sold Out

Certified Padel Coach Kids


Certified Padel Coach Kids


About certification

Our course is divided into two blocks: online and classroom. To obtain the certification you must successfully complete both blocks. After completing the online block and the classroom block you will be unlocked a third block of additional online training, this is not mandatory or evaluable, it is an additional training that we make available to you.

There are two purchase options, you can enroll in the online block and then hire the classroom training without being subject to dates or buy the online training + classroom training through the open calls in our calendar.

The client will have the right to withdraw and cancel the enrollment in any online certification without having to justify his decision and without any penalty of any kind, provided that he has not viewed more than 20% of the content of the first block and within 15 calendar days of purchase.

1 By registering for the online block only, you will only pay for the online block. You will not have access to complete your certification unless you register and complete payment for the desired on-site block. Time limits may apply for enrolment in one of the available face-to-face sessions from the time a learner registers for the online block. Mandatory entry requirements may also apply and must be provided at a later date. You will be able to consult all the conditions of each certification when you enrol.

2 If you have only enrolled in the online module, you can check and register for available sessions by contacting [email protected]. To later register for one of our sessions, you can do so starting from 150€.

3 On the days following the exam day, you will be able to consult the marks of the assessments. If you have passed them, you will receive the official digital certificate of the corresponding grade.

Do you need assistance?

We are at your disposal through various means to answer all your questions about any of our courses.
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Le informamos que sus datos personales serán tratados por la empresa PNPN SPORTSMBA S.L. para las finalidades de gestión y comunicación con el usuario y/o cliente en base a un interés legítimo. Sus datos no serán cedidos a terceros salvo obligación legal. En cualquier momento podrá ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, oposición y todos aquellos legalmente establecidos, enviando un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección [email protected].

Trabajos de mantenimiento programados

Lunes 13 de marzo de 2023

Desde las 10:00 GMT+1

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